TelServ knows how important voice calling is, even in this age of high-tech solutions. For some clients, no better options exist than hearing a helpful voice at the other end of a telephone call. We’ll leverage powerful technology like VoIP to bring you crisp, clear calls in the most economical ways.
Regardless of how many phone calls your company makes or where those calls reach, we’ll find the right arrangement. We’ve spent years developing relationships with leading providers in the telecommunications industry. Let us do the heavy lifting and connect you with quality services for your voice calling needs.
Following are just a few of the services we can help you access:
- SIP. Session Initiation Protocol technology allows much more than just phone calling. Video and audio conferencing, instant messaging, and more operate via software-managed sessions over the Internet. Using SIP, features such as click-to-dial and collaborative meetings are possible. Looking to enhance your team cohesion and productivity? SIP can help in both cases.
- Local / Long Distance / International. Not all businesses fit into a cookie cutter calling plan. Some operate globally while others call within their region. We’ll find you the package that meets the needs of your business, and ensure that it will grow with you. The result? You’ll always have the calling power you require, without spending more than you should.
- VoIP. The recent boom in Voice over Internet Protocol phone tools is quite impressive. Gone are the days of expensive proprietary devices and cluttered telephone equipment rooms. Regain your budget and your building’s real estate using a VoIP phone system that provides affordable calling regardless of company size. You can fax as well as enjoy conferencing, routing, and call handling features while saving on expenses and integrating with existing systems.
- PRI. Primary Rate Interface is a perfect solution for organizations that may have a limited number of traditional telephone wires but require higher volume calling. We can help you establish PRI lines that provide Caller ID, direct inward dialing, call hunting, and beyond. For data and voice, PRI is a reliable solution.
- PBX. A private branch exchange allows a set number of outside lines to be shared to make outbound external calls. Intracompany to global calling is possible through these systems, which support more advanced telephony needs. Sound confusing? We’ll make it incredibly simple to get exactly what you need to help your business grow.
- Full suite of telephony products and services. Don’t see it listed here? Chances are excellent that we’ve heard it before and can satisfy your need.
There’s more! The TelServ family also includes these specialized offerings:

Our TelServ Telecom division focuses on more specialized services like DID, dedicated Internet access, and call center solutions.
DialThemUp is our solution for your calling campaign. Whether you require surveys, appointment reminder calls, or any other type of automated dialing project, DialThemUp can meet your needs.
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